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My name is Meegan Dunn and I am delighted to welcome you to Te Pahu
School. I am so proud to be the Principal of such a fantastic school!
I am passionate about developing a culture of learning and innovation for
our school. I am privileged to lead our enthusiastic and dedicated teaching
team at Te Pahu School.
I have been involved in education for over 35 years. I stand proud as the
tumuaki of Te Pahu School. I hale from the mighty Waikato with strong
family roots also in the beautiful Southland.
I strongly believe in the importance of the school experience in shaping the
lives of our children, and the vital role school plays in your child’s
academic, physical, social and emotional development.
Our vision is Nā te waiaro he taumata tiketike e, ‘Attitude determines
Altitude’ to inspire our learners to be their very best in all they do. Situated
at the base of the stunning Mt. Pirongia, we have a strong connection with
our mountain. It inspires our learners to excel within our Te Pahu
Curriculum. We want to engage our learners, spark their passions, and
provide exciting opportunities. We want them to have a strong sense of
identity, set goals, give things a go and develop confidence. Our role is to
help every student reach their potential and to develop a love of learning
that goes far beyond what happens in the classroom. Our values Hauora,
Kaitiakitanga, Manaakitanga, Wairua Auaha and Whanaungatanga foster
skills and learnings for life.
I am certainly excited about the curriculum delivery at Te Pahu School,and
the strong sense of community.

Ngaa mihi nui
Meegan Dunn
Principal, Te Pahu School

Our values

You will see our values in everything we do….
